Airborne Wind Energy 2024/2025

Roland Schmehl, Delft University of Technology

The course contains 12 individual lectures that are complemented by a self-paced workshop. Recorded videos are not necessarily in sync with slide presentations.

The content is divided into four parts. Part 1 (lectures 1-3) includes an introduction to airborne wind energy, a historical perspective on kite applications, and a portfolio of current prototypes. Part 2 (lectures 4-7) is about the physics of tethered flight and a systematic development of a quasi-steady theory, starting from simple idealized flight configurations, then step by step generalizing the theory to describe more and more realistic energy harvesting scenarios. The part is complemented by a self-paced workshop in which the theory is used to predict the energy production of a pumping kite power system. In part 3 (lectures 8-9), the practical operation of airborne wind energy systems is considered and the performance and potential of the technology in the future energy system. Part 4 (lectures 10-12) details the flying components of airborne wind energy systems, with a focus on the physics governing their flight dynamic, structural dynamic and aerodynamic behavior.

Parts 2, 3 and 4 are largely independent and can also be attended individually.

The lecture slides are optimized for an aspect ratio 16:9. Enter fullscreen mode with F11. The two-dimensional layout shows with the ESC key. The menu button in the lower left corner opens a menu for rapid access of specific slides. Pressing ā€˜sā€™ opens the speaker notes.

You may want to check out the video recordings of the earlier editions of the course available via playlists: 2023-24 and 2022-23.