Roland Schmehl
6 September 2024
Relevant literature: Diehl (2013).
Airborne wind energy (AWE) is the conversion of wind energy into electricity using tethered flying devices. Some concepts combine onboard wind turbines with a conducting tether, while others convert the pulling power of the flying devices on the ground. Replacing the tower of conventional wind turbines by a lightweight tether substantially reduces the material consumption and allows for continuous adjustment of the harvesting altitude to the available wind resource. The decrease in installation cost and increase in capacity factor can potentially lead to a substantial reduction of the cost of wind energy. Wind at higher altitudes is also considered to be an energy resource that has not been exploited so far.
Cherubini et al. (2015)
Cherubini et al. (2015)
And what are the key differences to untethered aircraft and balloons?
Swami Jonard & Jelle Poland
Breukels (2011)
Often used interchangeably
Sometimes used to differentiate
Most common now is Airborne Wind Energy (AWE)
Rishikesh Joshi